
Showing posts from February, 2012

Zetes and Kalais

Winged Zetes and Kalais were twin sons of Boreas, the North Wind and Oreithyria, daughter of King Erechtheus of Athens.  They were also two of the most important heroes chosen by Jason to accompany him on his epic quest for the Golden Fleece. Upon the arrival of the Argonautika at the Bosporus, Zetes and Calais drove the Harpies, sometimes referred to as the hounds of Zeus, away from King Phineas who had been cruelly punished by the Gods for misuse of his prophetic gifts.  Like the modern day Julian Assange , Phineas had revealed too many details about those who rule to go unpunished.  Once the Harpies were banished a thankful Phineas rewarded Jason and his crew with the secret to safe passage through the Clashing Rocks. My Monotypes, Zetes and Kalais, are each 6 x 6 in.  They are currently on exhibit at Archangel  Gallery.

La Casa de Asterion

Asterion , Monoprint, 27.5 x 20.25 in. The  rust prints I have been working on inspire me to make simpler compositions when printing with the etching press. I am experimenting again with printing dry pigments into ink made heavy with Setswell Compound and Burnt Plate Oil.  I enjoy the rich play of complimentary colors and the textural results when I throw chunky pigments into the ink. At left is my Monoprint, newly completed, for submission to the Seattle Erotic Art Festival, June 16-24, 2012. It is named Asterion and is inspired by Jorge Luis Borges’s wonderful short story, La Casa de Asterión and is of course about the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur.