Nuclear Family

On September 19 and 20 Vashon Allied Arts will transform, the “O Space” into Outer Space. This years theme is- 2014: An Art Odyssey . Two evenings of intergalactic fundraising festivities include Friday’s The Big Bang and Saturday’s A Starry Starry Night. Here you may Preview the Auction Catalog and read more about event details , but the count down begins Friday August 29 from 6-9 PM. It's the real Preview Party and Artist Reception, honoring the artists who have donated over 150 pieces of stellar art to this year’s Art Auction. At left and below is my fantasy take on a robot family. Maybe this is Hal's family of origin? It's named "Nuclear Family". These table toppers do double duty as decoration and as auction items. Artists volunteer each year to transform similar objects into something artful. This years commissioned artist are: wood sculpture-Tom Northington, jeweler- Gordon R. Barnett, basket maker- B...