Satyr Play

Check out Satyr Play during the VIVA Studio Tour, May 5-6 & 12-13 at Brian Fisher Studio, no. 2 on the Tour.

Satyr Plays, a genre of ancient Greek drama, are named after the mythological satyrs who were half-goat, half-man, highly sexual creatures and often part of Dionysus' entourage. Dionysus, the god of wine and ecstasy (among other things), was considered by the Greeks as the patron of theatre.  A Satyr Play might itself be tragic, but the satyr chorus, with its irreverent outlook on life provided comedic relief and made the play more interesting and less somber than the tragedies that proceeded and followed it.  

I designed the satyrs within my "Satyr Play" first as elements of a frieze beneath my studio's eves.  Until I find time to make that happen they will appear as monotype print imagery! 

Satyr Play,  Monotype Print  (1/1)  by Brian Fisher,  7 x 29 1/2 in.


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