Midsummer's Day Dream

“Midsummer’s Day Dream”, Monotype Print with gold leaf I live in a forest, a wood, a copse, or something like that. Maybe it’s a wield? It’s not quite "Forest Primeval." The Cedar and Douglas Fir that surround my home/studio are only a century plus old but they are magnificent. I admire their green, their grey, their loft and all year long I listen to their voices. They are vocal! They are often even musical, though I fear those voices in Fall and Winter when the seasons bend and break them. In Spring when the wind is constant, so are their soothing voices. In verdant Summer, they are heavy, still, can sigh and sometimes they snore. I imagine they dream. My Monotype, “Midsummer’s Day Dream”, will show at Roby King Galleries, November 3-27, 2017, when Denise Kester and I exhibit our personal interpretations of myth in print and paint.