Seasonings Greetings

Seasonings Greetings Seasonings Greetings! A couple years ago I ran across some Salt and Pepper shakers on ebay and immediately recalled my Grandmothers personal collection of Salt and Pepper shakers. They filled two, corner, curved glass fronted mahogany curio cabinets. Grandma's collection numbered in the hundreds! When I asked why she collected shakers her response was "Well I had some shakers and someone saw them and gave me a couple more and someone else saw those and suddenly I had a collection." It is not my intention to collect any more than the somewhat campy/kitschy eight featured at left as a Christmas card collection, but collections do take on a life of their own. I have photographed all eight pair and made my, predominantly Japaneese 50's - 60's vintage shaker, collection into a boxed set of "Seasonings Greetings" for the 2011 Vashon Island Holiday Studio tour.