Oedipus Rex

“Oedipus Rex”, my rust monotype on vintage linen is now on exhibit at Roby King Gallery , 176 Winslow Way E. Bainbridge Island, WA. Jan 3-Feb 2, 2020. Oedipus was born to Laius, King of Thebes and his Queen Jocasta. At his birth, it was prophesied that this child, Oedipus, would murder his father and marry his mother. So Laius, frightened, sent Oedipus to be exposed to weather and wild beasts on Mt. Cithaeron. However, Oedipus did not die, instead he was found and adopted by the King Polybus of Corinth and his Queen. When Oedipus is called bastard as a young man and told that King Polybus might not be his real father, he left Corinth and journeyed to Delphi and its’ Oracle in search of an answer to his true parentage. The Delphic Oracle does not tell him who his true family is but does tell him that his destiny is to kill his father and marry his mother. In order to thwart the prophecy, Oedipus decides never to return to Corinth and his eventual inherita...