Narcissus Reflected

In our image obsessed culture the old, old story of Narcissus and the body beautiful is as new as another gorgeous photo, thank you Bruce Weber, for Abercrombie & Fitch's latest pitch to purchase. To purchase what? A reflection of beauty of course. Made self aware by comparison and confounded by perfection we are all in love with surface but desire depth of being. So the story of Narcissus forever resonates in the individual’s search for self. At left is my new Monotype Print, Narcissus Reflected , (22 x 29.5 in.) See it in my studio during the Spring Vashon Island Studio Tour. Here is Mr. Eliot's take on Narcissus, a poem of self awareness and metamorphosis, Cantacal V, Or- The Death of Saint Narcissus by T. S. Eliot He walked once between the sea and the high cliffs When the wind made him aware of his limbs smoothly passing each other And of his arms crossed over his brea...