Aletheia and the Bedtime Story

Aletheia and the Bedtime Story, my monotype print (1/1), will exhibit in ”On Being Human”, At Roby King Gallery on Bainbridge Island, Sept. 3-26, 2021. Link here to the gallery and more of my work on display at Roby King. Myths and Fables are often read and told as entertainment, but as we know, the truth is in the telling and the power of truth, we hope, wins out. My print is a bit of a visual pun on the name Aletheia, who was the Greek Goddess of truth, truth revealed, the naked truth… she is more familiar in Latin as Veritas. Aesop, who’s teaching stories inspired my latest “fable” print series, tells two fables about the Goddess of Truth, Aletheia. In one, a man traveling in the wild discovers Aletheia living alone, far from civilization and asks her why she dwells in the wilderness. She replies, “ Among the people of old, only a few told and repeated lies, but now those who lie exist throughout all of human society! ” From this fable we learn...