"The Printmakers Hand IV" & "Pressing Forward"

My monotype “Gemini” is exhibiting in "The Printmakers Hand IV" at Northwind Arts Center, 701 Water Street, Port Townsend Washington from July 5-29, 2018. The exhibition is co-sponsored by Corvidae Press of Port Towndsend and juried by Bob Kochs of Augen Gallery in Portland, OR. The opening reception and awards are on July 7, 5:30-8:00. A talk by Bob Kochs is at 1:00 pm on July 8 at Northwind Arts Center. It's a busy summer. Jayne Quig, a fellow Quartermaster Press printer, and I recently hung QMP's exhibit "Pressing Forward" at the Tacoma Art Museum's Cheney class room, July 11- September 27, 2018. The official opening is July 19 when I will also demonstrate a monotype/collagraphy process. Below is my monotype print Gemini exhibiting in "The Printmakers Hand IV" at Northwind Gallery and my monotype King of the May showing with QMP at the Tacoma Art Museum. Brian Fisher Monotype Prints- Gemini , 22.5" x 15" a...