
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

"The Tweedles,"  48 x 16 in. "Croquet Party."  27 1/2 x 15 in.     Roby King Galleries  Roby King's "Wonderland"   2015  Exhibit celebrates the 150th year of Lewis Carroll’s "Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland" & "Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There"! December 4th-January 2, 2016 Opening Reception: First Friday  Dec 4th  6-8pm     Above are my mixed media bas-relief panels on exhibit in "Wonderland".

It's About Time

I'm currently exhibiting work at Plymouth Church in Seattle.  Above is "The Mill of Time," a Rust Monottype with Gold Leaf, 30x30 in.  And below is "Vortex of the Eternal Now," also a Rust Monotype with Gold Leaf and with the same dimensions. "The Mill of Time" and "Vortex of the Eternal Now" celebrate with process and image the mystery of Time.  Measurable but elastic, time is experienced only in the present but is anticipated as future and remembered as past!  

The Printmaker's Hand III

"Europa"  Brian Fisher, Monotype Print, 25 x 25 in. I am delighted to have my Monotype Prints, “Europa” and “The Caledonian Boar,” exhibited in “The Printmaker’s Hand III”! Corvidae Press Guild of Port Townsend WA in association with Northwind Arts Center, also of Port Townsend WA, are hosting “The Printmaker’s Hand III”, an exhibition of fine art prints, September 4th - 27th, 2015.  The opening reception is September 5 in conjunction with Port Townsend’s Art Walk.  On September 6, Juror, Sam Davidson owner/director of Seattle’s premier print gallery,  Davidson Galleries, will talk about the art of print and the juried work chosen for exhibition in “The Printmaker’s Hand III”. Northwind Arts Center is located at 701 Water Street, in the historic Waterman & Katz Building, Port Townsend WA.  Find more details about the show, location and Sam Davidson’s talk here “The Printmaker’s hand III.”   And link here to ...

Born to Print, Monotype Workshop!

Good friend and art compatriot, Ilse Reimnitz and I share the billboard in a couple upcoming shows.(Corvadie Press’s “Printmakers Hand III” and “B2 Gallery Fall Exhibit” in September-November). In mid August we also taught a Monotype workshop at Ilse’s gorgeous print/paint studio.   We’re equally passionate about print process and in this class we felt particularly well matched with six print curious artists that were so obviously born to print !  Here are just a few images from a wonderful weekend!


"Adrianople"  Monotype print & Gold Leaf   Artist, Brian Fisher B2 Gallery  Fall Exhibition 711 Saint Helens Avenue, Suite 100 Tacoma, WA. 98402 Gallery Hours: Tuesday – Saturday, 11am – 5pm September 26 – October 24, 2015 Artist Reception: Saturday, September 26, 2015 | 5-8pm "Adrianopple" is one of the Monotypes I am showing at B2 Gallery's Fall "Pop Up" Exhibition in September. 

Warriors Waiting

"Warriors Waiting", Monotype Print with gold Leaf mounted to panel. “Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy--all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside.” ― Cassandra Clare , Clockwork Angel I am currently reading and enjoying Clockwork Angel , Cassandre Clare's book one of "The Infernal Devices".  I think I enjoy it because her Nephalem and Demon characters are heroes with weaknesses and shortcomings.  They are flawed and therefore real in their struggle to overcome plot circumstance (life).  There is an edge of realism in the struggle with oneself that is missing when a Hero is too complete and is inspirational when a character that we identify with is, like us, not perfect.  My Monotype Print, "Warriors Waiting...

Tile Workshop with Cory Winn

"Birth of Athena"  8 x 4 in.  A couple times this summer I have taken tile workshops with Vashon Island artist Cory Winn.  She makes truly exquisite and intricately patterned pottery, objects, tiles and tile installations.  Influenced by early English arts and crafts and medieval illustrations, Cory's work is meticulously crafted and then glazed using the cuerda seca technique. Cuerda seca, (Spanish for "dry cord") is essentially a wax resist line painted to separate the water-soluble glazes.  It is an ancient technique that can make crisp patterns and multiple colors on fired terracotta sing!   Cory is a great teacher and I am quite taken with the whole process.  You know you are having fun when minutes turn to hours and an afternoon has flown! My tile at left celebrates the cerebral birth of Athena, Goddess of wisdom, daughter of  Zeus and the Titan Metis. When Zeus heard the prophecy that a child Metis bore would usurp his thrown, ...